Katherine Smalley

Posted on: February 3, 2017

Dear Irwin,
Thank you for your follow up.
Indeed, I thought the structure was excellent and by far the best way of getting know each group and the management. Also, it was exceptionally well organized.
Bernice is certainly highly skilled at courteously maintaining the pace and of course selecting and coaching the fund managers. She has had funds make presentations to an investment committee I sit on and one can always tell they have been well prepared.
Processing 12 funds in such a short timeframe was exhilarating and challenging but the personal virtually one on one format overcame the rapid turnover. If this was done as 12 rapid fire presentations to an audience frankly I think it would be utterly unproductive.  Yes, the meetings were definitely worth it and I am following up with several of the funds. Not all of course are in our area of interest such as real estate but others certainly could be of interest to me and my associates.

I very much appreciated being invited and would be pleased to attend if there is another opportunity next year.

Katherine SmalleyAllied Capital Corporation
Katherine SmalleyAllied Capital Corporation

